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Aeon Issues Volume 1

This is a table of contents of the issues in Aeon Volume 1, a publication with articles that were influenced by the multiple discipline approach to cosmology and archeology that was begun by Immanuel Velikovsky. The dates of publication can be found at the list of Aeon issues, as well as the Aeon publisher's mission statement.

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 Reconstructing the Saturn Myth

 David Talbott

 a summary of the Saturn Thesis, including evidence that Saturn was the ancient sun-god worshipped the world over in countless rites.

Saturn myths



 Venus in Ancient Myth and Language

 Ev Cochrane

 examines a wide range of cometary images of Venus

Venus myths



 Apollo and the Planet Mars

 Ev Cochrane

 The cult of the Greek god in light of comparative mythology and archaeoastronomical traditions. Evidence is presented that Apollo is best understood as a personification of the planet Mars

Mars myths



 The Electro-Gravitic Theory of Celestial Motion

 Charles Ginenthal

 A new theory combining electromagnetic repulsion with gravity.

solar system



 Solar System Studies

 Fred Hall

 A timely excursion through the solar system and beyond.

solar system



 Road to Saturn

 Dwardu Cardona

 The role of Saturn in ancient times.

Saturn myths



 Reopening the Sumerian question

 Jan Sammer

 Challenges the foundations of Mesopotamian chronology

historical reconstruction



 Heinsohn, Velikovsky, and the Revised Chronology

 Clark Whelton

 The revolutionary historical reconstruction offered by Gunnar Heinsohn who argues that conventional history is out of order by several millennia, the Sumerians actually living in the middle of the first millennium bce

historical reconstruction



 The Chaldeans of Sumer

 Martin Sieff

 Another look at Heinsohn's claims.

historical reconstruction



 Did the Sumerians and the Akkadians ever exist?

 Gunnar Heinsohn

 Sumerians and Akkadians as the Chaldeans and Assyrians

historical reconstruction



 The Signatures of Catastrophe

 James Strickling

 The geological record indicates unexplained catastrophic breaks between levels.




 Stars, Galaxies, and Electro-Gravitic Theory

 Charles Ginenthal

 Part 2 continues with topics such as binary stars and spiral galaxies.

solar system



 Aeonic Aphorisms

 Roger Wescott

 Insights concerning man, myth, and catastrophism.

general religion



 Velikovsky and the Problem of Planetary Identification

 Ev Cochrane

 discriminating approach to identifying planets among gods

general religion



 On Testing the Polar Configuration

 David Talbott

 The methodology for verifying of refuting the theory

solar system



 The Solar System and Electro-Gravitic Theory

 Charles Ginenthal

 Part 3 continues through comets and asteroids

solar system



 Is Gravity Necessary?

 Earl Milton

 A challenge to Ginenthal's theory

solar system



 Reply to Earl Milton

 Charles Ginenthal

 Response to Milton in 1:3

solar system



 On the Nature of Natural Selection and Speciation

 James Strickling

 Critical assessment of Darwin's hypothesis




 The Unworkable Polar Saturn

 Roger Ashton

 Alternative models all fail under the laws of physics

solar system



 The Ship of Heaven

 David Talbott

 The agreement between the theoretical model and the ancient descriptions

Saturn myths



 Venus in Ancient Myth and Language: Part II

 Ev Cochrane

 Further examples of the cometary symbols surrounding Venus

Venus myths



 Road to Saturn: Part II

 Dwardu Cardona

 Continues with ideas of Velikovsky and the role of Saturn

Saturn myths



 On Models and Scenarios

 David Talbott

 groundrules to combine myths and physical facts

Saturn myths



 Solar System Studies: Part II

 Fred Hall

 Evidence that the Earth once moved in a different planetary system

solar system



 The Polar Column: A Physical Model of Myth

 Fred Jueneman

 Two-planet system sharing a rotational axis

solar system



 The Saturn Myth: A Tentative Physical Model

 Robert Driscoll

 Earth between Saturn and Jupiter

solar system



 Mars in Upheaval

 Charles Ginenthal

 Physical evidence of Mars' catastrophic past

solar system



 The Organization of the Solar System

 Don Patten and Samuel Windsor

 A new approach to the origins of the solar system

solar system



 Heracles and the Planet Mars

 Ev Cochrane

 argues that the traditions surrounding the Greek hero are best understood as reflecting ancient conceptions associated with the planet Mars

Mars myths



 The Israelite Conquest of Canaan

 Gunnar Heinsohn

 Associates the Hyksos with the Assyrians

historical reconstruction



 The Hyksos were not Assyrians

 Martin Sieff

 Critical response to Heinsohn

historical reconstruction



 The Two Sargons and Their Successors

 Dwardu Cardona

 Critique of Heinsohn's reconstructed chronology

historical reconstruction



 Mother Goddess and Warrior-Hero

 David Talbott

 Archetypal roles of Venus and Mars in the transformation of the polar configuration

Mars myths; Venus myths



 The Poem of Erra

 Ev Cochrane

 Links between Mars and the celestial column beneath the ancient sun god

Mars myths



 The Hermes Connection

 Fred Jueneman

 Original identity of Hermes could be Mars not Mercury

Mars myths



 The Organization of the Solar System: Part Two

 Don Patten and Samuel Windsor

 Alternative model of planetary evolution

solar system



 The Youthful Atmosphere of Venus

 Charles Ginenthal

 Evidence implies Venus is a new planet or has a most unusual history

solar system



 Velikovsky and Oedipus

 Ev Cochrane

 a critical analysis of Velikovsky's book Oedipus and Akhnaton, featuring an overview of Oedipus's cult in the light of comparative mythology

Egypt, general religion



 On Saturn and the North Pole

 Lynn Rose

 Model with Earth rotating in phase with its revolution around Saturn

solar system



 Velikovsky, Fundamentalism, and the Revised Chronology

 Clark Whelton

 Proposes Velikovsky's hidden agenda sometimes got in the way of objective research

historical reconstruction, Velikovsky



 The Stratigraphy of Bahrein: An Answer to Critics

 Gunnar Heinsohn

 looking for evidence for the conventional sequence of civilization

historical reconstruction



 Egytian Chronology and the Hyksos

 Gunnar Heinsohn

 Preliminary interpretations of Egyptian chronology

historical reconstruction



 The Two Sargons and their Successors (part 2)

 Dwardu Cardona

 Continues critique of Heinsohn's reconstruction

historical reconstruction



 The Placement and Dating of Abraham

 R. Russell Bixler

 questions Abraham's placement in Heinsohn's chronology in 1:2

historical reconstruction



 Heinsohn's Work could be Breakthrough

 Glenn Rahman

 follow up to Whelton in 1:2

historical reconstruction



 A Suggestion to Critics

 Gunnar Heinsohn

 why have 5 empires been duplicated to 10?

historical reconstruction



 Solar System Magnetic Fields

 Samuel Windsor

 Ginenthal's theory vs. Patten's theory

solar system



 Neptune a Good Test

 Charles Ginenthal

 response to Windsor

solar system



 Constraints on the World Mountain Concept

 C. Warren Hunt

 response to Hall in 1:4

solar system



 More Velikovskian Confusion

 C. Leroy Ellenberger

 comments about Ashton in 1:3 and Hall in 1:4

solar system



 Ice Cores and Earth Anomalies

 Fred Hall

 response to Ellenberger

solar system



 Celestial Anomalies Not Explained by Gravity

 Charles Ginenthal

 response to Ellenberger

solar system



 Polar Configuration an Impossibility

 C. Leroy Ellenberger

 ties in model in Hamlet's Mill

solar system



 Arm-waving Celestial Mechanics

 George Talbott

 response to Ashton in 1:3

solar system



 A Dynamic Model Required

 Kirk Thompson

 comments about Ashton in 1:3, Driscoll in 1:4, Talbott in 1:5

solar system



 Some Preliminary Counterpoints

 David Talbott

 six points regarding the polar configuration

solar system

created - May 2000
last change - 10/29/2005
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