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Oceans and Climate Change

The threat of climate change is emphasizing the fear of unwanted changes in weather, whether that transient change is hotter or colder, or wetter or drier.
This fear mongering is based on carbon dioxide. This threat is a 'green house gas' and claimed to affect the world's temperatures and weather.

This fear mongering ignores the real culprit behind weather patterns - the oceans.
The oceans can hold heat longer than the much less dense atmosphere; the periodic release of that heat has a noticeable impact.

'The oceans cover 71 percent of the Earth's surface.'

The Pacific Ocean 'covers about 46% of Earth's water surface and about one-third of its total surface area.'

ENSO is the El Nino Southern Oscillation.

The Pacific Ocean has a well known oscillation of a warm pool of water near the surface.
l Nino has the warm pool in the eastern Pacific near the west coast of USA and La Nina has the warm pool in the western Pacific near the Phillipines.
From NOAA:

El Niņo and La Niņa are the warm and cool phases of a recurring climate pattern across the tropical Pacific—the El Niņo-Southern Oscillation, or "ENSO" for short. The pattern can shift back and forth irregularly every two to seven years, and each phase triggers predictable disruptions of temperature, precipitation, and winds.
link to ENSO information.

Oceans and carbon dioxide.

link to NOAA about 'Air-sea gas exchange'

link to description of how the oceans directly affect carbon dioxide levels

It is clearly wrong to claim  CO2 has a significant role in temperature patterns. CO2 levels are affected by the oceans.
Given the oceans drive CO2 levels, the claim man-generated CO2 has a major effect cannot be justified. Oceans absorb any excess.

link to description of the role of water vapor in climate


Anyone looking at history knows the earth has been warmer and colder than now.

image - 12,000 years of global temperature and CO2

It is common knowledge the El Nino events affect the world's weather.

The 1998 El Nino was significant.

That event.

The 1998 was significant for another reason: it caused a 15-year stop in global warming with essentially flat temperatures.
This was called a hiatus and the global CO2 levels continued their slow increase, due to the oceans, during the entire span.
This was another clear demonstration that an increasing CO2 level has no impact on temperatures.

It is simply a lie to claim an outrageous percentage of scientists fear man-made CO2 emissions.

The Global Warming Petition Project

Many scientists are willing to sign this petition, recommending the rejection of the Kyoto protocol.
There is no such document listing those scientists who fear man generated CO2 as a threat to the world. The claim about 97% is a lie.

Obviously these scientists must feel there is convincing scientific proof to justify their position. There are many such references online. The site 'Watts Up With That' is an excellent initial resource. This site is managed by a meteorologist who was involved in the start up of the 'weather channel' with others. It is very popular with its presentation of seeking the truth amidst the many fear mongering stories.
The press and even Wikipedia are pushing the'party line' of 'man's CO2 will lead to catastrophe' ignoring all the evidence to the contrary.

Climate change is an interesting political controversy.
Republicans take the position based on science to prevent counterproductive legislation that will harm the economy or a targeted businesses.
Democrats take the counter position based on just fear mongering, no facts but just a false consensus. They seek more political power through more legislation. The ironic result is the regulations will affect all  those below the upper class; this was the base of the party but aggressive, uninformed climate change policies will affect all but the rich. The resolution of this conflict will not be good for most Americans or for the world.

The significant factors in climate change are:
the oceans (see above) and water vapor.

Water vapor is the most important green house gas and its presence affects clouds; more clouds reflect more of the Sun's energy into space.

The climate change debate ignores the real factors affecting weather and climate.

created - August 2019
last change - 08/23/2019
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