Final Era of the Universe
The post:
We Have Already Entered The Sixth And Final Era Of Our Universe
' < a description of the 6 eras of the universe...
1.) Inflationary era. Prior to the hot Big Bang ...> In the end, only black dwarf stars and isolated masses too small to ignite nuclear fusion will remain, sparsely populated and disconnected from one another in this empty, ever-expanding cosmos. These final-state corpses will exist even googols of years onward, continuing to persist as dark energy remains the dominant factor in our Universe.
my comment:
That is a very depressing outlook:
"In the end, only black dwarf stars and isolated masses will remain, sparsely populated and disconnected from one another in this empty, ever-expanding cosmos. These final-state corpses will exist even googols of years onward" '
I feel justified in a positive outlook. The universe is just as we see it, with no hidden velocities. That change in perspective restores the wonder we see, with galaxy superclusters spanning billions of light years that would have needed even more time to settle into the observed structure. The expanding universe is based on increasing red shifts for the increasing distances observed by better telescopes. Red shift of the hydrogen absorption line is proportional to distance, known since the 1930's. It was also soon known to be unreliable. The Magellanic Clouds are surrounded by hydrogen gas clouds. Both have large red shifts. Using Cepheids they are much, much closer than by red shift. They are not really moving at that red shift as velocity.
We will continue to image galaxies at ever larger Z factors. The current largest Z is over 11 times c. I expect to see Z at 100 but it will take very long exposures to reach Z at 1000. The amount of dark energy required for such a velocity is astronomical.
I prefer a positive outlook. The universe will not expand leaving only a few corpses.
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